An Oddity in Downtown

            Jess’ red heels clicked against the cement as she gave two firm tugs to Amber’s lead.
            “This way, big girl,” she muttered as the mini Jersey calf followed at her heels.
            A man in a posh, navy suit skirted past them, just barely missing Amber while Amber rushed to the right, nearly tripping Jess. Jess laughed as she made eye contact with another man, this one seated outside of a coffee shop, his laptop set on the table. He rolled his eyes and shifted back to his laptop. Just as they were about to pass him, Amber stopped dead in her tracks.
            “What is it this time?” Jess muttered, tugging at the hem of her pencil skirt.
            Amber turned around and started to shuffle towards the man’s laptop case. Jess pulled back on the lead, but her thin arms couldn’t hold the heifer back. “Amber,” she huffed.
            The calf stuck her nose into the laptop case as Jess continued her attempts at pulling the calf back.
            “I’m so sorry. This is my bosses’ cow. She doesn’t exactly have manners.”
            The man pulled the case out from under the calf’s nose. “Just go on your way.”
            Jess bent down, wrapped her arms around the width of the calf, and tugged, but she wouldn’t budge. The man poked at Amber’s nose, as if that would someone keep her from coming anywhere near him.
            A voice came from behind Jess’. “You’d think that cow would be able to keep her nose out of my boyfriend’s things.”
            Jess turned around to see her boss. “Oh my gosh, Lacy. I didn’t know this was your-“
            “It’s okay, Jess.” Lacy bent down to stroke Amber’s ears, a half-smile forming at her right cheek. “Go with Jess, Amber.” She tapped the calf’s hip with her pointer finger and sat across from her boyfriend. Amber nudged her owner’s leg, then turned around and walked away with Jess. Jess sighed with relief that she could continue walking her bosses’ mini Jersey calf in peace.